The Port Light Cocktail – Passion Fruit Cocktails | Lesson 01

Published on February 20, 2018 by

The Port Light – A Beautiful Passion Fruit Cocktail

The Port Light is a cocktail was born in 1961 by Sandro Conti at Kahiki, a tiki bar and restaurant in Columbus Ohio. Kahiki was a well known and fantastic establishment that made it into the National Historic Places. It had a 3 story Easter Island fireplace that was the center point of the establishment.

Port Light Cocktail

The Port Light – Passion Fruit Cocktails

However, the restaurant was torn down in the early 70’s and replaced by a Walgreens… so all we have left to experience from Kahiki are some of its fantastic drink recipes. The Port Light cocktail happens to be one of those fantastic cocktail recipes.

The Port Light

Build your cocktail in the blender and add your crushed ice. Give your cocktail a 5 second blend and dump it into a double old fashioned glass. For bonus points, a cherry on a stick is your garnish! You can find the Port Light featured in our AwesomeDrinks Recipe Database!

Final Thoughts

The port light cocktail brings great passion fruit flavor front-and-center. You’ll find the grenadine is downplayed in this cocktail and the bourbon becomes the backbone of the drink. You’ll have a hard time slowly drinking this creation, which is good as the crushed ice and blended nature of the port light will water down rather quickly. You will lose a lot of the subtle aroma and flavor of your bourbon if you nurse this tiki cocktail.

Watch Course 2: Understanding The Cocktail



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