Using The Japanese Double Jigger — Essential Bar Tools | Lesson 02

Published on December 30, 2017 by

Lesson 02 – Difficulty: Easy

Japanese Double JiggerThe Japanese Double Jigger is one of the most core elements of your essential bar tools. You can find a Japanese Double Jigger within the Home Bartender Starter Kit. A jigger is your typical measuring tool for the bartender similar to those liquid and solid measuring devices you utilize in your kitchen. Almost all your basic kitchen accessories will work as bar tools, but are not always optimal.

The Japanese Double Jigger measures five important measurements:

  • 2 ounces
  • 1.5 ounces
  • 1 ounce
  • 0.75 ounces
  • 0.5 ounces

Japanese Double Jigger Accuracy & Measure

The beauty of the Japanese Double Jigger lies in its accuracy. A great jigger will be taller than wider and have a smaller total diameter at the top. The smaller the jigger diameter the more accurate you can measure your liquid. The total accuracy of a Japanese Double Jigger relies on the small diameter to allow you to eyeball the level.

To look at it another way, a half inch of head space in a pint glass is much less volume than a half inch of head space in a swimming pool. This is because the total volume across the surface of a swimming pool is so large that several gallons of water would be needed to move the volume up to the top. This volume inaccuracy makes it very hard to measure small additions. Yet, in a pint glass, even as little as a one ounce increment will drastically change its volume.

As a result, smaller diameter jiggers have a smaller surface area to fill with volume. If you are 10% inaccurate in your jigger pour (to the line or top) you’ll have less missing volume as compared to a wider diameter jigger like your standard bar jiggers.

Accuracy is Still Important

While you can pour a bit more loosely with your Japanese Double Jigger I still highly suggest paying close attention to accuracy and trying to get your measure as perfect as possible. The difference between a good home bartender and a great home bartender is flavor, accuracy and memorable drinks!

Plus, having a jigger that measure five measurements means you’ll have to buy less other jiggers to get the job done. For professional bartenders, that may not be as handy (since they have to measure fast under low light and don’t want to seek out etched measure lines) but who needs to be professional? We just want a great drink.

Watch Lesson 01: Essential Bar Tools For Beginner Cocktail Enthusiasts.

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